Alpine Flower Hand-Dyed Silk Ribbon By Hanah Silk™ (Made in USA)


Alpine Flower Hand-Dyed Silk Ribbon By Hanah Silk™ (Made in USA)

$3.75 / Yard
Hanah Silk™ creates this gorgeous, artisan silk ribbon, and this color is Alpine Flower. This airy 100% silk ribbon is hand-dyed in shades of fuchsia and olive green. This ribbon is perfect for vintage projects, bridal use, or china doll apparel. The bias cut is remarkable for either wrapped edge finishes or sinuous draping.

Because it is hand-crafted, the colors will vary slightly each time it is made. This is bias-cut silk ribbon, so has diagonal seams along its length. Please take this feature into account when planning projects; unseamed yardage cannot be guaranteed. Hand-crafted in the U.S.A. by Hanah Silk™.
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